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bent row supersets


Bent Row Supersets

Warm up - 

25 inchworms
50 tap down crunches 

Workout - Complete 4 "supersets" of each. 

5 bent rows AHAP
20 Aussie pullups

Punch out - 

3 sets of 30 sec. ea. piriformis & low back stretches

Post weights used for bent rows to comments.  

Don't be afraid to use a little monkey motion on today's back movements.  Especially use it for the Aussies. 

Not telling you to go crazy here.  Neither of these movements are supposed to be done using MAJOR input from the hips and/or knees.  But, there would be nothing wrong with initiating these movements using a little monkey motion.

It's how you'd do it in real life!

Heavy pulling movements are almost NEVER efficient (and sometime NEVER possible) without including hips and legs. Can you imaging mowing the lawn, or leaning over to pick up a child using only your arms?  It'd be a waste. In real life we use multi-joint systems and multiple movement patterns (chains of systems) to create REAL movements. It's a fallacy to think you'd get better at moving a multi-joint systems by training only pieces of that system. For example, there aren't many runners who train calves, quads, hams and glutes separately as their PRIMARY source of training to become better runners.  To get better at running, most runners - RUN.  That's not to say they won't employ single joint activities for specific purposes (strengthening a weakness, rehab, etc.), just not PRIMARY purposes. 

Training individual muscle groups for athletic pursuits (BTW - athletics simulate life) died in the 1980's.  We've learned that explosive multi-joint training is better for athletics. 

Since athletics simulate life (it's not the other way around) we train more effectively for life when we train in a multi-joint fashion.  That's not to say we can't employ single joint activities for specific purposes (shaping, strengthening, rehab, etc.), just not PRIMARY purposes.

All of this is just a really long way to say, please primarily use your arms to pull the weights today. But don't be afraid to include a limited amount of monkey motion from the hips and knees.  

Have you been thinking about giving GPP a try? There was never a better time than RIGHT NOW!  Spring is here and summer (swimsuit season) is just around the corner.  

GPP is offering our One Month Unlimited Single Membership for 50% OFF for NEW members.

If you refer a friend(s) for the above offer we'll give you 20% off your next month.

Legal Stuff (new members)
Offer valid through March 31.  Expires 180 days after purchase. Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts.  Valid only for option purchased.  Subject to availability. Valid for new members who haven't used GPP services within 12 months. Month begins on day of first visit and expires 31 days days later.

Legal Stuff (referrals)
Offer valid through March 31. Expires 180 days after referral. Referral must list you as their contact on day of sign-up. Offer is for 20% off your current monthly membership dues.  Offer is extended to one month only. Also, we love you.  You are awesome for referring folks to us.  Thank you!

Josh (bottom) & Jesse (top) using their fitness at the first annual GPP OK/NWA rendezvous!