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4 rounds of:

Complete as many V-ups as possible in 1 min.
rest 2 min.

4 rounds of:

max reps of hanging Aussie pullups
rest 1 min.

4 rounds of:

15 incline pushups (pushups with feet elevated above elbows)
rest 1 min.

1 mile jog (slowly)

 Post total number of reps completed to comments.


When a workout calls for "Max Reps" it is asking for you to complete the maximum number of repetitions you can do for a given exercise in ONE sustained effort.  Upon the first break you have completed 1 max rep effort or set. 

Hanging Aussies are where you perform an Aussie pullup with your feet elevated. 


GPP Ragnar Wasatch Back Team


Tri Team Swim tomorrow morning at SDRC @ 5 am


Meg practices rocking the baby.