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amprap sprints shoulders bis tris


AMRAP Sprint, Shoulders, Bis, Tris

(compare to Feb 7)

AMRAP in 25 min.

4 ten yard high knee sprints
20 OH DB presses 15/20 ea.
20 DB biceps curls 15/20 ea.
20 OH triceps ext 15/20

Post rounds completed to comments.


This coming April 1st we start a new slim down and shape up challenge (details to come - tell friends).  Timely, since around 60 days after it begins will be smack in the middle of shorts and short sleeves season.  Some will wear less.  Hopefully you are ready for it this year. 

Before this challenge starts, it is a good idea to start conditioning your body for a better, more nutritional eating program.  To do this we suggest you begin to add protein to every meal.  How much protein?  For now, simply start by putting as much lean protein on your plate as you have carbohydrate (by weight).  Also, start making sure your carbs are coming from natural sources (fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and whole grains).

Adding protein to your meals has muscle sparing properties.  This helps preserve fitness and muscle tone when you are taking off excess fat.  It also satiates your appetite by regulating blood sugar. 

Don't be afraid to supplement protein.  When it is not convenient to go for natural protein (egg whites, meat, etc.) consider a shake or bar replacement.  Don't be afraid to mix it up a little.  Recently, instead of the traditional milk or water with her vanilla protein shake, Meg discovered that mixing it with orange juice made a very smooth and tasty alternative.  Good luck! 



C. Dalto has a GREAT split jerk!