4 rounds for time:
20 band twist punches R med/heavy
20 band twist punches L med/heavy
20 band high elbows R med/heavy
20 band high elbows L med/heavy
20 situps
20 surprise movement (rhymes with a viral infection)
20 v-ups
20 T2T side ups R
20 T2T side ups L
20 T2T superman back ext
20 T2T crunches
Post time to comments.
21 Day Extras - "Hells Bells"
For time:
200 KB swings 25/35
Interrupt KB swings every minute, on the minute to complete 8 burpees.
-Starting with "go," then every minute after that you must complete burpees.
-Continue completing burpees on the minute and performing kettlebell swings until you have accumulated 200 KB swings.
Some of you have out grown the usefulness of those lat band pull-downs. This (below) is your next step on the shaping bias!