Assemble into teams of 2 and complete the following for time:
50 pullups
100 pushups
150 high sumos 45/65
200 kettlebell swings 25/35
300 rope jumps
4 min high knee band sprints M/H
1000m row
Post time to comments
1. While one teammate is completing reps the other must be holding a below parallel squat.
2. If the teammate holding the squat stands up or falls down, teammates must switch.
3. No reps may be counted unless the squatting teammate is in position.
Ab Challenge:
Complete additional 150 situps
Rough week last week. Congratulations on a strong finish! An inspiring effort deserves an inspiring reward.
HELLth Week Ts on sale now in the R sidebar, or in our store.
Each T is an ultra high quality tri-blend with an original design by Damon Wallace. You may choose from ladies cut (scoop neck, slim fit), or unisex.
This week the intensity will come down a bit, but this would be a bad time to let our motivation & drive lag. We built a lot of momentum last week. Momentum that will propel you to your healthy intents, if you'll let it.
It'd be a shame to go through all of that (last week) - for NOTHING.
Here are some challenges for this week:
1 - Do the workouts. No, they won't be quite as hard. Yes, there will be some programming behind them (unlike last week). This week they'll build on what we did during HELLth week.
2 - Do the "extra" exercise(s)posted. This week is "ab week." Do these in addition to any abdominal work that may come up in our regular programming.
3 - Consider storming the "Reset" with us. The "Reset" is not for everyone. Just most of us. If you have a weight loss and increased health goal, jump on board with this today. It is magic. Many of us have forgotten what it is like to let our bodies calm down and just quit processing. We've missed the clarity of mind and body that comes with shutting down our constant intake. Starting over (hitting the RESET) can be a very good thing. Periodically, we suggest it for those trying to speed their way back to Optimal Health.
4 - Post. We've said it once, we'll say it forever. There is tremendous power and support within this community. Giving support is every bit as therapeutic as receiving. Hope to see you on the site.
- Spencer storms the Women's Health Expo GPP NWA
- Candice delivers excellent instruction at the GPP Intensive Training Seminar
- GPP OK finishes HELLth week
- The newest group of GPP Certified Trainers (minus our NWA friends). These fine folks joined us from Utah, New York, Illinois, New Mexico, Arkansas & Mexico. Congratulations!