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At 70% of max intensity (or 7 RPE), complete 5 rounds for time of:

100 rope jumps
10 SLS2S (R)
10 SLS2S (L)
20 high band pull M/H
20 OH BB push press 45/65
20 V-ups

Post time to comments.​

We've always said, "If we were asked to present the results we see daily to a group of our peers (trainers) we'd be laughed off the stage."  The world just isn't ready to believe you can do (are doing) these things.  - N  

From comments (Thank You Suz W): ​

I'm late on posting this, but I would like to thank Amy and Lizz for being so damn cute about my cycling race last weekend! You both are so kind, thoughtful and motivating. A few people after the race asked me if I cycle a lot and how many miles I'm putting in each week. My answer was simple: No weekly miles and I've only been on my road and mountain bike once this year. I managed to take 3rd place in womens (two tandem teams beat me that had a male rider, I'm not bitter LOL) by focusing on GPP 5 days a week and mixing in what I felt like doing (hiking or running) every so often. I don't think the girls from Red Rock Bicycle Company liked that answer very much. Never felt better on two wheels. Thank you! 

Sorry Once again.  Jana can't be here to sit with the tots at the 09:30.  She asked us to tell you.

Because sometimes, "We All Need a Little Pep Talk."  ​

​Karen is "tuckin" awesome! 

​Karen is "tuckin" awesome!