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Oliver original


Oliver (the original HW#3)

7 rounds for time:

21 DB thrusters 15/20 ea.
21 ski squats
21 situps
21 superman back ext
21 tic tock R 25/35
21 tic tock L 25/35

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Have you been taking your vitamins?  We have ways of knowing.  Troy will be bringing his scanner tomorrow to check your potential health.  Last time some of you only had a couple of weeks to live.  Hopefully there is some improvement.  Plan to come a little early or stay a little late to get your scan.  FREE for GPPeeps.  


Heat is NOT your friend this week. NOT at all.  When you are stupid-sore (and loving it), like most of us are right now, the one thing that seems the most soothing may actually be the most detrimental to your recovery.  So stay away from heating pads, hot tubs and steam rooms all week.  Instead, consider ICE BATHS.  HERE is an article on how to take one.  It is a miserable thing to do, but the effect is almost immediate.  It's weird.  

Also, you may want to reconsider hyper dosing on Ibuprofen.  Read THIS.  

Just stick with the basics and you'll be OK this week.  Eat right (Might reconsider heavily restricted dieting this week. You can restrict a little, but if you are hitting it hard THIS week, expect to hit the wall about ... NOW!), get more water, decrease stress, get your 6-8 hours of sleep, take your daily vitamins (should be doing this anyway, right?) and one other thing... try upping your Vit C dosage.  The World Health Organization says most males should be pulling down about 90 mg/day, females around 75 mg/day.  The "tolerable upper intake level" for a 25 year old male is around 2,000 mg/day.  If I were you THIS week, I'd cheat toward the 2000 level (I'm doing 1500 mg/day).

Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.  You are chock-full of oxidation, histamine and inflammation right now.  Vit C is also found in high concentrations in your immune cells and is consumed quickly during infections.  Helpful.  But maybe Vit C's most important function to you this week is its ability to synthesize collagen, carnitine and metabolize tyrosine and microsomes.  Let's just say you need all of this right now.  


St. George Triathlon Camp Pics


Makin it rain up in here!