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Lleg shredder


Leg Shredder

On Trainer's Count complete...

Four rounds of: 
 20 BTB squats  (squats that begin and end in the bottom of the movement)
rest 30 sec. between rounds.


Four rounds per side of:
20 SLD 15/20
rest 30 sec. between rounds.


Four rounds of:
20 heel raises
rest 30 sec. between rounds.


200 walking lunges

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Caution:  This workout will make you VERY, VERY sore or injured unless you are specifically conditioned for it. Please consider scaling weight &/or reps if you are new to this workout.


I'm new.  How hard should I push myself on these workouts, at first?

Half or less of the Rx. GPP workouts are, by design, extremely rigorous. These high intensity workouts are responsible for your success on a level that is unprecedented. However, the very efficacy of these workouts can also make them very dangerous to the beginner. The beginner who makes the mistake of getting caught up in competing for time, rounds, reps or weight in the first couple of weeks (maybe months) of doing GPP workouts is subjecting him/herself to needless soreness, or injury.


"Team ABBIT +" is a polarizing workout.  Every time we drop that workout (several times per year) we get those who come out of the woodwork, just to storm it.  We hear that many of you love the profound benefits of a workout that is uniqely aimed at improving hand/eye coordination while completely shaping your midsection.  It's cool because GPP followers who haven't been into the gym in months will show up that day.  It's fun to see old friends.  

Others of you will stay home.  We've been told this happens for many reasons.  All are valid reasons to hate a workout. But NONE are good enough reasons to miss the unique benefits of ABBIT.  We beg you to reconsider missing it next time.  There are no other movements that we can put onto you that simulate the effects or the benefits of this workout.  

For those of you who may not be convinced it is a workout that will stimulate change or fitness, please observe the video below.  At the end of this workout both of these guys were breathing very heavily and drenched.  They set the pace high from the very beginning and kept it there for the entire 30 min.  If you can do similarly, it will deliver the same benefits to you.  Don't have the hand/eye coordination to move this quickly yet?  That's cool.  Like anything, putting a few extra minutes per day into developing these skills will go a long way toward improving your health & fitness.  It is the kind of health and fitness that transfers into real life situations.  And remember, skipping the day we do this workout won't make you better at it!  :) 

This is how to storm the ABBIT+