Workout Notes:
- On the front squat: Chin "up" and chest "high" will serve you better today. Carry the bar upon your somewhat protracted shoulders in the "racked" position. Do not carry it in your hands. Squat with a more upright posture, sitting back through your heels throughout the movement. Lift toes to remind yourself, if necessary. Deeper squats engage more hamstrings and glutes. This is desirable when you are able.
- On the OH DB press: Without input from other sources along the kinetic chain (knees, hips, rib cage) press DBs from tips of shoulders to directly above your COG. Lower under complete control. Elbow placement is not regulated.
- On Box Jumps: We get a lot of questions about what standards are for completing box jumps. "Should we be extending our hips at the top?" We don't care. We find plenty of functional benefit in covering the distance between the ground and both feet planted firmly on the top of a 15" box. The OG Box Jump.
- On the BB Bent Row: With a slight inward curve to the low back, hinge at the hips, bend knees slightly and grasp the bar with palms forward (away from you). Pull the bar, driving the elbows past your body brushing your sides. Touch it to your torso lightly at the lower part of your sternum. Lower it all the way back to the ground. Monkey motion is acceptable to a very small degree. If you find yourself standing up during any part of the movement, you are doing it wrong. Stay leaned over throughout.
- On V-ups: Lay flat on your back, hands extended above your head, back of your hands resting on the ground above you, legs straight and together. Using great momentum, pivot onto your tailbone lifting your torso and legs into the air at the same time. Rise up as high as flexibility allows. Straighter legs is better. V-ups are one of our favorite movements for improving core strength. The thing about V-ups is: you can do situps all day an never gain much improvement to your V-ups. However, doing V-ups improves your ability to perform situps dramatically.