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Warm-up - 2 rounds

50 plate switches (R+L=1)
50 situps
50 plate switches (R+L=1)
50 superman back ext.

Workout: 5 rounds:

10 uni bent row (R) AHAP
1 min rest
10 step back OH lunges (R+L=2) AHAP
1 min rest
10 uni bent row (L) AHAP
1 min rest
10 alt. KB swings (R+L=1) 35/54
1 min rest

Post weights used to comments.

Workout Notes:

  1. Heavy unis and OHs are great for the core! Take it slow. Get HEAVY!

  2. After completing the warm-up, take some time and gain experience with the workout lifts before packing on the weights.

  3. The “1 min” rest is the LOWEST suggested time period. Rest as much as is needed.

  4. Vets - you should be going heavy enough to NEED a longer rest than 1 min.

  5. Go straight down the list.

  6. Clear your blood circle when performing OH step back lunges.

  7. Keep a tight core throughout the entire workout.

  8. Note the higher than usual KB weight.

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