100 situps
4 mins wall sits (accumulated total time in position)
25-20-15-10-5 reps per round for time:
row (level 10)
deadlift 95/135
windmill pushups - the "over 40" Rx)
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Workout Notes:
To perform a proper wall sit you are to sit in a static hold squat with your back against the wall. Thighs at parallel to the floor, or slightly below.
Rows = Full pulls. To gain the most benefit from rows for count, you should strive to complete as long of a pull on the chain (handle) as is comfortably possible. For many of you, the range of motion begins with torso against thighs (loading up the front end), and ends with legs fully extended and hips extended short of excessive lay back. Lay back is specific to each individual, so find the right turn around point to maximize YOUR specific stroke without becoming inefficient. Too far forward or back is inefficient. Don't start the pull with your arms until your legs and hips are almost fully spent. Arms should remain relaxed throughout.
Musings …