Warm-up - 3 sets (rest 90 sec between each)
Workout: 5 rounds (no rest)
8-12 unilateral DB row R AHAP
150 m arms only row
8-12 unilateral DB row L AHAP
150 m arms only row
Post weights used per round.
Daily Extras -
- Ladies complete 75 PERFECTLY strict pushups
- Gents complete 100 PERFECTLY strict pushups
Workout Notes:
- Stay flexible with the number of Aussies you do today. It's just a warm up. If you typically get sore arms from these, stay below 50 total. Less if you're new. Take plenty of rest between warm-up sets. 90-120 seconds suggested.
- Take no rests between rounds of the workout. It'll be interesting to see the difference between the weights posted for set #1 vs. set #5.
- It'll be interesting to see the difference in weights posted between this workout and the NEXT time we do this one, which is the point.
- Having a hard time doing those pushups (daily extras) using STRICT form? Try one knee pushups.
Ever Try Personal Training?
So, a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that many of the GPP trainers do 1 on 1 personal training. It's super cool. You should try it. Personal training is a great way to meet your goals.
Several of you expressed interest in doing some personal training in small groups (WAY more affordable). I have a couple of ladies who are looking for partners. If you'd be interested in doing a day, or two per week, please write to neil@gppfitness.com. I'll try to get you paired up.
It works like this: Each session your trainer will create a specialized a workout for you that compliments your daily GPPfitness.com workout. Each workout is individualized, but still follows GPP principles. Sometimes we'll give you extra credit stuff to do (nutrition and exercise - usually cardio) off-site. Sometimes we'll give you stuff to do on top of your GPP workout. Sometimes we'll modify your GPP workouts to suit your specific needs (BTW - we are more than willing to do this for you anyway. We love our GPP clients and will do ALL we can to make these workouts better suit your individual needs - whether, or not you are involved with personal training). We also collect baseline measurements (if you'd like) and follow up weekly. The results we see are amazing!
- 1 on 1 training session = $80.00
- Group rate depends on the size of the group (max 4 persons). Each additional person in the group adds only $10.00 to the base rate, but you can now split it between all of the participants. This is cool because other trainers in the area cost A LOT more than, but have MUCH LESS experience with MUCH LESS in terms of results. Our stuff is proven. You'll KILL it!
- Clients who participate in 5 personal training workouts per month receive their GPP membership FREE.
- Pay per scheduled visit! NO contracts.
- First session (Yes, it's actually a workout - not some stupid sales pitch like they do at other gyms.) is FREE. Come try it. You'll love it.
- Workout times are somewhat limited and by appointment only. Personal training is only conducted when GPP classes aren't running. That limits times to mid-morning, early afternoon and limited eves.
I've seen chalky hand prints before (forward), but what are the ones in back?