Time each exercise individually. Rest as needed between exercises.
1000m row
30 power cleans 65/115
30 clean and jerks 65/115
30 push jerks 65/115
200 double unders (600 singles)
Vets - Do not be afraid to use a higher weight.
Rookies - Be afraid.
Post times to comments.
Time for another check-in. How are you doing on the Holiday Hold Em challenge? Please post compliance, or non. Also post successes, or failures observed to comments. Please share secrets if you've got them.
A lot of folks have asked me for a page deciphering common abbreviations we use here on the site. I PROMISE we are getting on that ASAP. In the mean time, here are a couple to consider today.
T.W.I.N.E - The false notion that if 1 workout is good 2 is better (more HERE). Also a great Bond movie.
T - The
W - Workout
I - is
N - not
E - Enough
TYT - One of the hardest things to do in fitness.
T - Trust
Y - Your
T - Trainer
From Kym's Facebook page: "Did my first chin ups today! 5 to be exact!! Love @gppfitness!!"
THAT is an amazing back! Strong work Kym!