5 rounds for time:

10 power cleans 65/95
10 pullups
10 KB swings 35/53
10 sideways box jumps R
10 sideways box jumps L
100 rope jumps

Post time to comments


"What is CCC?"

CCC is our Crash Course Challenge.  This is where you challenge yourself to become healthy and the GPP community comes together in a small group to help make this happen for one another.  Most folks choose weight loss as their challenge.  But, the CCC is open to all healthy objectives. Results have been amazing for folks who become involved. 

CCC starts this Saturday morning at 8am.  It runs for 6 weeks.  We will meet weekly on Saturday's at 8am for workshops and personal instruction. 

We will be taking baseline measurements that day.  We will also be having our first workshop.  First workshop is free for all.  After that, buy in is $50.  We will outline meeting times and challenges for the CCC that day.  


Doing Oceanside 70.3? We are having an indoor ride of the actual course on February 11. For more information click HERE.


Justin and Ashly completing "600 lunges by a fence" during Outsiders event this weekend.  Amazing time.  You MUST start coming to these.